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Memorable Rides

Writer's picture: farwestmotofarwestmoto

Everyone who rides motorcycles have experiences that are so enjoyable that they etch into our brains. Unforgettable. Here are a few memorable rides from FWMC members...

(A few) of my Memorable Rides, by Tony Lucchesi

- Riding the Gasquet Toll Rd. trail with Dale at mach Stupid on a blisteringly hot day. - Arrowing for the Big Boot with Wally Martin, Jay Stradley and a host of others in a driving rain/sleet storm, with temperature at around 25 and wind about 50 mph-still the hardest day I ever did on a dirt bike. - Riding the “trail of tiny trees” at the end of the Buckhorn National, a dead flat trail at the old enduro site, so twisty for so long that I saw good A riders sitting alongside the trail in tears, their arms reduced to the consistency of overcooked spaghetti. - Six days in New Zealand with Dale. Yes, wow. - Opening Dale’s van door at Hollister in the dead of night and almost losing it over the next ridge as the wind was blowing about 80. - FWMC club rides that started in Jacoby Creek and involved Jim Morrison dancing to “Season of the Witch” at the old club out on 36. - Riding with Louis pretty much anywhere, but particularly thinking of finding our way back to the truck, somewhere out by the old ferry crossing on the Klamath, in pitch black of night. - Starting rides in Jacoby Creek and ending up at the old Wrangletown Saloon for chili and beer, then riding home - Riding garbage can trail with Dale, at mach stupid+1 - Riding across the bridge at the end of the old Westfall trail and having the bridge fall 20 feet into the creek, just as I made the other side. - Idaho with Dale, Jimmy Johnson, Tim Wilson, Randy Pavlich and Dick Howe, RIP. Dick’s wife paid as camp cook and a hot tub in camp. Randy observing that I rode twice as fast in the trees as along the ridge lines-realizing that I’m afraid of heights and a 16” trail and 1,000 vertical to the river exacerbates that. - Any/all of the Tahoe rides, including: 1. Dale and I going back 20 miles to look for Dayton Murray, hoping that we didn’t have to go backward on the Rubicon in the dark. 2. Taking my three week old 500XC and having Jeff Irwin tell me, “I used to have one of those” because the 400 had come out one week after I got mine. 3. Never, ever, getting a hot shower on one of these rides. Tony


And more from Dale Warmuth

Memorable trail rides

- First time riding in Pilot creek from Mad River side with Pat Mckenna & Richard Miller 1979?

- Club Ride in Idaho Baumgarter? Idaho trail ride in Stanley Gary Robertson, Tony Lucchesi, Dick Howe(RIP),Tim Wilson, Guy Wilson, Mike Pezzoli, Ray Wolff

- Any of our club rides where we rode from Jacoby Creek or Maple Creek to the AA at Ruth or another year to Mad River stayed overnight. (SO)

- Club Ride across the Rubicon to Tahoe. (trail Ride exchange with Redding and High Sierra (SO )Many club members were on this ride

- Club Ride around Hwy 50 near Tahoe, silver lake etc w/ Bill Dart as trail boss (SO)

- Carson Valley to Mammoth with Hakker as trail boss past Mono Lake went down the huge cinder cone near - --- Mono Lake(SO) /Tim Wilson

-New Zealand North island seven day trail ride w/Malcom Smith and Jim Morrison

- New Zealand South island 6-7 day trail ride with Tony Lucchesi

- Michagan 6 day trail ride with Jim Morrison

- Colorado 500 w/jim Morrison, Randy Pavlich, Tim Wilson, Pat Richter, Jim Johnson, Tony Lucchesi, Dick Howe (rip) Dan Mclaughlin

- Black Rock Desert /Tony Lucchesi, Randy Pavlich, Dick Howe (RIP) Richard Miller ????


- Lake Isabella to Laughlin and back / Tim and Guy Wilson

- LA Barstow to Vegas dual Sport and back (couldn’t find anyone to drive our rig to Vegas) Scott Sinclair

- Six days of Northern California

Memorable Races

- Tecate “enduro” (Not really an Enduro) race

- Winnemucca hare and hound w/ smoke bomb rode on the side of a retired minuteman missile silo

- Virginia City GP with Tony Lucchesi, Robert Miller, Scott Sinclair

- Trask Mountain Three day qualifier

- Lord Ellis Cross Country race

- Mau Kai two day endure

- Rattlesnake enduro @ Klamath

- Shasta Dam GP

- Big Boot Enduro ( Big Bar ) & ( Redwood Acres )

Dale “the Whizzer” Warmuth

Life Time Member of..

Sons of Danger

Far West Motorcycle Club

Blue Ribbon Coalition

Blue Lake Mud Hens

Dumb ass hall of fame

Charter member of the East Oakland Moto Bro’s

American Motorcyclist Association & Dist 36

Phantom Duck Club

Friend of Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods

Premier bull shitttter/story maker


And from Bill Basham...

- Riding 4 hrs from Redwood City (SF Bay Area) to Stonyford in the middle of a warm summer night on my street legalized '86 XR600. Full moon and quite warm for 1 am. Bugs hitting my goggles on the freeway in the valley.

- Getting stuck in a ravine with my buddy at Clear Creek. Could not get out. Took us 3 hours of trying and considering simply putting "For Sale" signs on the bikes, and finally we just rode as far up the hill as we could and then threw the bikes down. We had to drag two XR 600s uphill about 50 feet. Beyond exhaustion, we then rode in thick freezing fog to where we thought we were parked, but got turned around by the fog, and rode 5 miles in the wrong direction. Hypothermia started setting in, and by the time we got back to the car, we threw our bikes down and jumped in the car and just ran the heater for about 2 hours to get rid of the chill.

- Riding a dual sport event into Yosemite Valley and to Hetch Hetchy reservoir. The most memorable experience ever.


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