A somewhat productive day by a small contingent of the club. We worked on Fast Border trail, trying to reclaim what the forest has called its own again. Attended by Mark Grossman, Dan Herron, Randy Pavlich, Bill Basham, Tom Benzinger, and Shane Finley, we attacked with aplomb.
Chain sawyers up front, Shane on the weed whacker, with Bill and Dan bringing up the rear clearing down to the dirt with rake and Macleod.
Bill and Dan worked on one corner, that we hope all will enjoy...
There were fallen trees that were beyond the skills of our current bevy of chainsaws (we may need a bulldozer), but we will persevere and come back with the necessary tools to connect A to B.
After a hard but productive day, Fast Border looks to make for a promising segment of enjoyable trail!
Hats off to all the participants and their hard work that keep the trails open and enjoyable for all club members! Till next time!