It was an amazing turnout last Sunday for the FWMC members, new and old. We had 12 brave souls in all. It was almost only 11, as Bill forgot how to read a clock during the Daylight Savings changeover and thought he had all sorts of time to putter around the house because he somehow woke up an hour early! Mike saved his ass with a well-timed text to jog him out of his early morning fog and get his butt to the gate.
But he made it and the team broke up into 5 groups and spread out over the terrain. With weedwhackers whacking and chainsaws sawing, we cleared about 4 miles of existing trail, and added an estimated 3 miles of new trail. Major grass and ferns , plus a whole bunch of sizeable trees were removed.
Hats off to all that attended and put in some sweat equity: Rick and Rick, Jeff, Byron, Derek, Curt, Ryan, Mike, Dan, Randy, and Patrick.